
Audience Insights Map

Audience Insights Map

What is it?

An audience insights map is a variation of empathy mapping, tailored more towards understanding broader audience characteristics and behaviors. It allows you to tailor content, design, and delivery to meet the specific needs, interests, and preferences of a specific audience, which can significantly enhance engagement and effectiveness. 

It's essentially a visual tool, much like a chart or diagram, that organizes complex information about audience demographics, preferences, and behaviors into a structured format.

For instance, when preparing for a workshop or a pitch, you'd structure the map to include sections like audience knowledge levels, their professional backgrounds, key interests, and perhaps even challenges they face in their roles. This setup helps you understand not just who the audience is, but what they need to learn or hear from the speaker.

By organizing this information visually, an audience insights map provides a clear overview that helps you tailor presentation content precisely. You can determine the right language, tone, and level of detail to use, and decide which topics will resonate most.

When to use it

When you need to go beyond surface-level data and uncover insights that can shape content in a more human-centered way.

Remember to
  • Approach it as a guide rather than a rigid template. Customize categories to suit your specific audience and objectives.
  • Don't get too caught up in the specifics of where each piece of information belongs on the empathy map—focus on connecting with the the target audience.



Get materials together

You'll need a whiteboard or large sheet of paper to create the audience insights map framework. You'll also need sticky notes, markers, and highlighters.


Define the purpose of the mapping exercise

Review the goals and desired outcomes of the presentation and think about the actions or responses you hope to inspire from the audience. For example, if you're developing internal training presentations for a large company, the goals may include enhancing employee knowledge, improving skills, fostering teamwork, or driving behavior change. The purpose of audience insight mapping in this scenario would be to gain deep insights into the needs, perspectives, and experiences of the employees who will be attending the training.


Define personas

Choose specific user personas or audience segments you want to understand better. These could be a hypothetical or real users. It's often beneficial to create multiple personas when you have a diverse audience with distinct characteristics and needs


Gather relevant research

To create a solid foundation for your map, you need to gather relevant research that provides insights into your target audience. Here are two common approaches:

  1. Qualitative research: Gather all the qualitative research you have conducted, such as interview transcripts, notes, audio recordings, or any other relevant documentation. Organize them in a way that allows easy access and reference during the empathy mapping activity.

  2. Internet research and secondary sources: Alternatively, you can leverage online sources such as articles, reports, forums, and social media platforms as a valuable resource. Explore user-generated content, discussions, comments, and reviews to gain additional insights into your audience's preferences, challenges, and behaviors. Internet research provides a broader context and can supplement or serve as a substitute for qualitative research


Draw the map(s)

Audience insight maps can vary in their format, but they all share common core elements. For each persona, construct a separate map.

On a sheet of paper or a whiteboard, divide the area into sections. For example:

  1. Knowledge level - What does the audience already know about the topic?
  2. Professional background - What are their industries and roles?
  3. Interests and goals - What do they aim to gain from your presentation?
  4. Challenges and needs - What problems do they face that your presentation can help solve?

Fill in the map(s)

Begin populating the sections of your audience insight map with relevant data and insights for each key audience segment. Using sticky notes or markers can be helpful for this process, as it allows for flexibility and adjustments as more information becomes available.


Analyze and identify patterns

Step back and analyze the maps for each persona. Look for commonalities, patterns, and recurring themes across the personas. Identify shared needs, pain points, motivations, and opportunities for improvement.


Translate insights

Based on the patterns and insights derived from the mapping exercise, identify responses that align with the goals and desired outcomes of the presentation. Determine how you can address the needs, pain points, and motivations of your audience. Use the audience insights maps as a guide to develop content, activities, or strategies that resonate with the personas and inspire the desired reactions or behaviors.

Template coming soon