
SCQA technique

SCQA technique

What is it?

The SCQA technique is a storytelling framework that stands for Situation, Complication, Question, Answer. It’s used to structure a narrative in a clear and compelling way, particularly in business writing and presentations. Here’s how it works:

  1. Situation: This is where you set the stage and provide context for the audience. You describe the current state of affairs or the background information necessary to understand the topic. It's essentially the "what's going on" part of the story.
  2. Complication: Here, you introduce the problem, challenge, or conflict that needs to be addressed. This is where you create tension or raise questions that pique the audience's interest. The complication adds the element of intrigue to the presentation.
  3. Question: In this part, you pose a question or a series of questions related to the complication. These questions should engage the audience's curiosity and encourage them to think about potential solutions or outcomes.
  4. Answer: This is the resolution or answer to the questions posed in the previous step. You provide the solution, insight, or response to the complication. It's the "how we can solve it" part of the story.

The SCQA technique is highly effective because it keeps the audience engaged by starting with a relatable situation and then introducing a problem. This approach captures attention, and the subsequent question naturally sparks curiosity about the solution, maintaining engagement until the answer is provided.

Additionally, SCQA creates a clear and easy-to-follow flow, with each part of the story building on the last, making it simpler for the audience to understand and remember key points. Moreover, the technique serves as a strong problem-solving framework, particularly useful in business settings where clear communication of problems and solutions is essential.

      When to use it

      1. Your content revolves around addressing a specific problem or challenge and providing practical solutions or recommendations.

      2. Clarity, logical progression, and a well-organized narrative are essential for your presentation.

      3. You want to create a narrative-like structure for your content, even if it doesn't inherently contain characters or typical storytelling elements.



      Remember to:

      1. Maintain a clear and logical progression from the Situation to the Answer, ensuring that each phase contributes to a cohesive narrative or presentation.

      2. Craft questions that go beyond surface-level inquiries. Aim for questions that stimulate critical thinking, provoke curiosity, and prompt reflection. These questions should challenge your audience's assumptions, inviting them to explore the topic more deeply.

      How it works


      Define the presentation objective

      Start by making sure the main objective(s) of the presentation are clear. What do you want audience to learn or take away from it? Your objective will guide the rest of the process.


      Understand your audience

      Think about who the audience is. What do they already know? What are their interests and questions about the topic? Understanding the audience helps you create content that resonates with them.


      Describe the situation (S)

      Describe the current state or context related to the key concept. Use clear and concise language to set the stage. This should be at a beginner's level of understanding.


      Introduce a complication (C)

      Introduce a complication or challenge that arises in the context described in the situation. This complication should naturally lead to questions in the audience's mind. Keep it simple and relatable.


      Formulate a question (Q)

      Formulate a question that directly addresses the complication. This question should be thought-provoking and stimulate the beginner's curiosity. Ensure that it is clear and easy to understand.


      Provide an answer (A)

      Provide a straightforward and easy-to-understand answer to the question. Use examples, visuals, analogies, or storytelling to illustrate the answer. Ensure that the answer aligns with the presentation objective.


      Create transitions

      Between each SCQA cycle, use clear transitions to guide your audience from one aspect of the key concept to the next. Summarize briefly what has been covered and how it connects to the upcoming part of the concept.

      Based on the feedback received, make necessary revisions to the story and the SCR framework. Ensure that the narrative effectively conveys the situation, complication, and resolution, aligning with the presentation's objectives.


      Summarize and conclude

      Conclude your presentation by summarizing the main points related to the key concept and emphasizing its significance. Offer additional resources for further exploration if applicable.


      Reflect on clarity

      Before finalizing your presentation, review it to ensure that each part of the SCQA cycle for the key concept is clear, concise, and beginner-friendly. Remove jargon or technical terms that might confuse your audience.

      Guide coming soon