Presentation Designer's Toolkit

Icon of a storyboard canvas

Storyboard Templates

What is it? Presentation storyboard templates are visual planning tools that help bridge the gap between idea and execution. They're typically used at two critical points in the presentation develo...

Icon for presentation development content prompt cards

Content prompt cards

What is it? Presentation content prompt cards are a brainstorming tool that help you kickstart presentation development. They provide structured prompts to generate ideas, organize content, find su...

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The art of escalation: How to show the problem growing in importance

Every great story has a moment where the stakes are raised, tension builds, and the audience realizes just how critical the situation has become. Whether you’re presenting a business case, pitching...

Building curiosity with strategic questions in your slides

Curiosity is the spark that keeps your audience engaged. It’s what makes people sit forward, lean in, and pay attention to what you’re presenting. And one of the simplest, yet most effective, ways ...

The key difference between sharing information and telling stories (and why it matters)

We’ve all been in meetings or presentations where someone shares a ton of information—charts, data points, and bullet lists that explain exactly what we need to know. And yet, five minutes later, w...

How to cut text when everything feels important

You’ve been there. You stare at your slides, and deep down, you know it—there’s too much text. But you can’t decide what to cut. It’s all so important! Your bullet points? Morphing into paragraphs....

How to quickly turn dense content into presentation-ready slide copy

This edition is part of our "Presentation Prompts" series designed to help you master various aspects of presentation creation through specific ChatGPT prompts. Each installment focuses on a partic...

Why simple language wins on your slides

Why simple language wins on your slides

We’ve all been there: staring at a blank slide, trying to sound "professional," only to end up writing things we’d never actually say out loud. This happens across industries because there’s this i...