The presentation design toolkit

Methods and resources to transform your presentation development and design process

Planning & Research

Kickoff workshop

Align goals, establish a shared vision, and foster a sense of unity to kickstart a presentation project.

Needs assessment

A systematic process to understand audience needs and expectations, identify knowledge gaps, and tailor content accordingly

Research plan

Extract meaningful insights from research to support decision making and inform content development

Empathy mapping

Foster a deeper understanding of the audience's perspective by mapping their emotions, thoughts, needs, and behaviors

Interview guide

Explore individual experiences, motivations, and perspectives in greater detail through structured or unstructured interviews

Content audit template

Analyze existing content to reveal patterns, recurring themes, identify gaps, and uncover potential opportunities for improvement

Story & Structure

SCR framework

Organize and structure compelling messages using situation-complication-resolution for a clear progression and resolution

Hero's journey

Craft a story that revolves around a protagonist's personal growth, self-discovery, and transformation

SCQA technique

A question-focused storytelling framework for clear communication

Brainstorming & Concept

Creativity walkabout

Explore different environments to stimulate creativity and generate new ideas

Scavenger hunt

Uncover fresh inspiration from unexpected places

Crazy 8s brainstorming

A rapid ideation technique used to generate a lot of ideas in a short amount of time

Cluster brainstorming

Visually organize ideas into clusters or interconnected nodes

The mash-up method

Combine unexpected elements to unlock out-of-the-box ideas

The metaphor game

Think more creatively and become skilled at connecting unrelated ideas

Concept board

Communicate design vision, streamline decisions, and aid self-reflection

Content development

Icon for presentation development content cards

Content prompt cards

Structured and thought-provoking prompts that guide your thinking and help generate ideas

The pyramid principle

Present ideas in a logical order, with the main point at the top and supporting details underneath

Storyboard templates

Refine ideas, organize content, and visualize the structure of your presentation

Feedback tracking template

Track and keep a structured record of stakeholder feedback

Content review checklist


Visual hierarchy framework

Guidelines for arranging content to guide the viewer's attention and emphasize key messages effectively

Font pairing guide

Choose appropriate fonts and combinations to enhance readability and visual appeal

Design theme development guide

Develop a cohesive design theme that reflects the desired tone and aesthetics of your presentation

Data visualization decision tree

Simplify data presentation decisions by selecting the ideal visualization method.

Atomic design methodology

Establish a systematic approach to creating slide layout templates that are modular, reusable, and maintain visual coherence

Visual consistency checklist

Ensure visual consistency across all slides and elements of your presentation

Presentation style guide

Define guidelines and recommendations for designing slides and creating content

Presentation template checklist

Essential criteria to build adaptable presentation templates